Michael scum of the earth Adebolajo given a life sentence with a whole life tariff.
Michael second scum of the earth Adebowale given a life sentence with a 45 year tariff.
Fair sentencing or not? I can't believe that the second murderer was not given life, how one can distinguish between them both is ridiculous.
Lee Rigby Killers sentenced
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 18:20
by ferrarilover
Typical ill informed UKIP type. You'll fit right in with the loonies. The reasons are very briefly given in the sentencing remarks of Mr Justice Sweeney, which are freely available online (indeed, I have a copy on my phone which I would upload here if I knew how).
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 18:31
by ferrarilover
And yes, perfectly fair. The whole life order in the case of Adebolajo was crashingly inevitable. He'll appeal, of course, but it'll be laughed at.
Adebowale will be almost 70 before he may be considered for release. Given that he's a black man with ore-existing mental health issues who is due to spend 45 years in jail, I'd say he stands a 1 in 5 chance of seeing out his sentence. Even then, there is nothing to say he'll be released at the earliest opportunity and even if he is, he is extremely unlikely to pose any realistic, meaningful danger to the public. Entirely appropriate and proportionate to the relevant circumstances of each convict. A good day for solid British justice.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 19:44
by cambgull
I'm sure this will probably provoke a reaction here but I genuinely think cases like these should be punishable by death. I cannot understand the point of putting someone in prison for their entire lives, with no chance of getting out. It just makes no sense. What is the point of their existence on Earth if they can never, ever go back into normal society? It's just a drain on resources and I'd place good money that he will waste more with years trouble making from behind his prison doors. How long until the Sun has a front page article of Adebolajo complaining that he hasn't got a Playstation 4 for his 42 inch TV or that the prison officers aren't treating him like the beautiful princess he thinks he is?
The way he behaved on the day suggests that of someone hunting for fame, trying to be remembered and go down in the pages of history as one of Allah's warriors. His biggest punishment is not to be locked up, he'll enjoy it too much. Many psychopaths do. His biggest punishment would be to be forgotten. Put to death with no media ever allowed near and sanctions placed on any publication of it, that would be how you punish them.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 22:13
by Colorado Gull
ferrarilover wrote:Typical ill informed UKIP type. You'll fit right in with the loonies. The reasons are very briefly given in the sentencing remarks of Mr Justice Sweeney, which are freely available online (indeed, I have a copy on my phone which I would upload here if I knew how).
What are you on about?
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 22:34
by ferrarilover
See, you are a perfect UKIP MP, like the rest of them, you struggle to follow simple conversations. Perhaps I should have slurred some Romanians or quoted from the Daily Wail, then you'd be in your comfort zone.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 01:18
by Gullscorer
See Matt, you are a perfect feminist (if that's not a contradiction in terms), unable to present reasoned logical arguments and so resorting to pathetic attempts at ridicule, disparagement, personal abuse and misrepresentation if not downright mendacity. Have you no shame..?? (Rhetorical question).. :~D
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 10:45
by Dave
These two went out that day to kill and be killed, obvious to us all, they stayed at the scene knowing full well armed police would be called and rushed at them knowing they would be fired on. Not going to argue against anyone's opinion here just ask a question. Why make martyrs out of these two be executing them, that's what they would have wanted, despite the cost keep them in prison to the day they die, best punishment for these two.
As for capital punishment will not question anyone's right to believe in it, I do not. I watched a documentary when it was screened on T.V called 14 days in May, it changed my view point on capital punishment almost overnight, anyone who does agree with death penalty watch it all the way through, and, if you still agree with it after watching the programme fair enough.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 11:08
by Gullscorer
I completely agree with you, Forever.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 15:17
by Southampton Gull
I would have shot the pair of them at the scene. If they want to be martyrs so be it. Murdering scum.
If they wanted to make a point to the western world then they should have gone after the bloody politicians that order the atrocities they are fighting against, not some young innocent with a wife and family to look after.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 15:47
by Gullscorer
That's true enough Dave, but death would have been an easy way out for them, albeit cheaper for the taxpayer.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 20:30
by Dave
If I was stood their with a gun, would have gladly shot the scum myself, and agree with what your saying. But for me the best punishment for these two is to keep them alive, they wanted to die in the name of Allah, every week that goes by these two rot in prison, they'll hate themselves more and more, hopefully some where along the line, they'll finish the job themselves.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 21:05
by Colorado Gull
ferrarilover wrote:See, you are a perfect UKIP MP, like the rest of them, you struggle to follow simple conversations. Perhaps I should have slurred some Romanians or quoted from the Daily Wail, then you'd be in your comfort zone.
Again. What are you going on about?
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 23:26
by ferrarilover
**** me, you are dumb, aren't you? You asked how anyone could distinguish between the defendants in terms of sentence (or sentance, as you like to call it). I told you to look in the sentencing remarks of the presider for the answer.
Not sure how you'll cope at PMQs if that has confused you.
Lee Rigby Killers sentanced
Posted: 28 Feb 2014, 01:09
by Gullscorer
Let's avoid the central topic and stick to ad hominem (I love that expression; makes me feel almost educated) insults. So much more fun... :~D