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Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:37
by hector

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:44
by DevonYellow
So we are looking for a fire eater on loan? Makes a difference to the usual striker story.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:48
by taxilady ... story.html

more recognition for the fans that went, & he says that the players care too !!!

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:49
by lucy6lucy
Top guy. I recall David's when at Barnet picking up fans on the motorway when their mini bus broke down. Imagine those premiershit managers/players doing the same

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:49
by Dave_Pougher
I can help I have 11 rockets left from bonfire night I could strategically place them around the team.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 16:56
by aldershotgull
taxilady wrote: ... story.html

more recognition for the fans that went, & he says that the players care too !!!
I am sure they all care and have their own ways of showing it but Nicho, Hargreaves, Hodges, Downes, Poke all very visibly looked completely pi$$ed at the result. Nicho and Downes summed it up most - some are fighting for their careers and they have 13 matches to save Torquay's season and their own careers. Poke, Downes and Nicho all said that they love the fans and the support and they need all the support they can get for the rest of the season. I know it is difficult to go when things are really bad because you are spending money to watch us probably lose (you never know....) but we all need to do our bit now. We need to make Plainmoor loud for the rest of the season. We need to get behind the players during the 90 minutes they are on the pitch.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 17:05
by aldershotgull
Before too many questions arise - myself an Tom Kelly were the two in receipt of the £20 Chris handed out. At no point did we mention money, wanting our money back or anything close during our conversation with him. We offered him messages of support regardless of what happens. The only other thing we mentioned was that the majority of the players and backroom staff failed to come over at the end of the game. I know that will probably spark some wild debate but for the 91 of us there, a small gesture of coming over and applauding us for making the trip would have been appreciated. CH fully agreed with us on that and offered his apologies to all of us for that. CH and LH looked very down and as they went to board the bus, CH came back and offered the £20 to us for a beer. He mentioned something about money off the players before leaving but wanted us to know it was the least that he could do. I was shocked that he even made the gesture and appreciate his honesty and kindness.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 17:07
by AustrianAndyGull
No I disagree. If Downes and Poke and Nico are care that much then they should be shouting in the ears of those around them who have been taking the piss and tell them if they aren't up for the battle then they are no team-mate of theirs and should take a hike. Lead by example and take command. I don't want the players and our manager to say they care, I want them to SHOW me and bloody well quickly.

If you want to go and support players who say one thing then do another on the pitch then fine, have the wool pulled.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 17:11
by aldershotgull
AustrianAntheaGull wrote:No I disagree. If Downes and Poke and Nico are care that much then they should be shouting in the ears of those around them who have been taking the piss and tell them if they aren't up for the battle then they are no team-mate of theirs and should take a hike. Lead by example and take command. I don't want the players and our manager to say they care, I want them to SHOW me and bloody well quickly.

If you want to go and support players who say one thing then do another on the pitch then fine, have the wool pulled.
Easier said than done. Downes is a consistent performer, Poke is better than Rice by miles regardless of the mistakes and Nicho tries even though he his now lacking in skill and talent. If we tell the ones who don't care to take a hike then I feel we will be lacking in players!!

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 17:14
by AustrianAndyGull
Not if we bring inyouth and those who are already contracted and give them a real chance.

It's a good gesture from Chris about the pints but I think a more fairer and appropriate one would be the club giving us our money back on production of a valid ticket stub. Then I'd believe it was meant with the best of intentions and they truly were sympathetic.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 17:17
by aldershotgull
I can see your point. Just one question - if we brought in the youth, would the experience help or hinder their development? Could see both easily happening depending on how the rest of the season pans out. Would not like to see the youth have their development hit from being a part of what has been a very poor season.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 18:16
by AustrianAndyGull
Well I know one thing. I'd rather see a full pelt Thommo than any other winger we have. I know he is probably not the answer but what harm can it do? Anyway. If I was a young player getting my chance to impress then I wouldn't give a shit about our league position. First and foremost I'd bust my bollocks for ME and nobody else because I badly wanted a career in pro football. It matters not when you get your opportunity but if you get one at all and if you do it must be taken.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 18:34
by AustrianAndyGull
Chesterfield signed an unknown young lad by the name of Ollie Banks from FC United of Manchester this season and had no hesitation in putting him in a side under pressure but at the other end of the table. He took us to pieces and has been a revelation. We don't sign players from non league because we consider them all not good enough and we also don't give players we have developed any opportunity. We'd rather sign journeymen has beens like Karl Hawley and expect results. Perhaps this is part of the reason why we are in this position. Snobbery and deeming inexperienced and young players no good for us when in fact who are we? We are a tiny club with hardly any fans who have no expectations so actually it is the perfect place to be giving these sorts of players every opportunity. Other teams can do it with other players but not us. Why is that? What harm can it do to us and them? We are prepared to take risks on players who once were good and who are now crap like Rene Howe and sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't so why aren't we prepared to take risks with young and non league players when it would cost us a lot less. We're paying the ultimate price for gambling on has beens who don't care and youngsters who aren't even our players and we expect to stay up? Hahahahahahaha. The joke is on us it would seem.

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 19:28
by PlainmoorRoar
aldershotgull wrote: Before too many questions arise - myself an Tom Kelly were the two in receipt of the £20 Chris handed out. At no point did we mention money, wanting our money back or anything close during our conversation with him. We offered him messages of support regardless of what happens. The only other thing we mentioned was that the majority of the players and backroom staff failed to come over at the end of the game. I know that will probably spark some wild debate but for the 91 of us there, a small gesture of coming over and applauding us for making the trip would have been appreciated. CH fully agreed with us on that and offered his apologies to all of us for that. CH and LH looked very down and as they went to board the bus, CH came back and offered the £20 to us for a beer. He mentioned something about money off the players before leaving but wanted us to know it was the least that he could do. I was shocked that he even made the gesture and appreciate his honesty and kindness.
Probably should donate that £20 after all your ill informed posts on Thea yesterday

Samba dancers and beer to save the day

Posted: 02 Mar 2014, 20:23
by aldershotgull
Ummmm..... no. I will hold on to it after your abuse :)