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Matchday Links
Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 14:05
by Scott Brehaut
Hi all,
There seems to be a request on every matchday thread for a link to the commentary and then, after the match, for a link to the match highlights.
I thought it would be a good idea to create this thread for the links requested, and then sticky it here so it is easy to locate.
- Official TUFC Radio:
- The BBC Sounds live stream
- The YouTube link, for all the match highlights is found by clicking
Matchday Links
Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 14:49
by chippygull
It would also be great if someone could post the Intune Radio App BBC Live Event number, for those with devices that the BBC links don't work on. Forest Green was Live Event 15 last week, but the only way to locate it was to open Links 1-14 first!
Here's my email to the app (currently unanswered)
Dear Sir,
For last nights Forest Green v. Torquay game all I was able to get was TuneIn Radio app BBC Live Event 15 (having tried Events 1 - 14 first!!) That commentary was the FGR muppets, mostly laughing at Torquay’s inability to hold a lead or keep our discipline... Alan Richardson at Radio Devon admits there are no direct links for their commentary on midweek games, so "you will have to look elsewhere"...
The BBC links don't work for me even with Media Player, BBC Sport app &c. installed (Kindle Fire); InTune is great when you can track down the commo, but NOWHERE does there seem to be access to a simple list which tells you which BBC Live Event is which! Hence last night, I visited Conference games all over the place before landing on Live Event 15!! Could you tell me HOW TO GET A LIST OF WHICH LIVE EVENT IS WHICH?????
Matchday Links
Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 15:18
by Scott Brehaut
Intune, I'm afraid, doesn't provide you witha list of what is on the BBC live events and, therefore, you will just have to click through them until you find the one you are looking for.
If you have an iPhone or iPad and want to listen to the match via the BBC radio you will find you can't due to not having flash player. However, one of my friends told me about a browser you can download (totally legit through the app store for free) called "Puffin web browser free" - it allows flash to be played on the iPhone and you are able to listen to the radio through it.
I tried it at the weekend and it worked fine.
Matchday Links
Posted: 26 Sep 2015, 08:41
by Dave_Pougher
Currently soaking up the sun in Kos does Gulls player work abroad?
Matchday Links
Posted: 05 Aug 2017, 05:42
by davethegull2
Ah, cheers old bean!
Matchday Links
Posted: 20 Nov 2017, 11:18
by Reack1933
Thanks for your help, i have found some nice matches witch i was locking for long time!
Matchday Links
Posted: 05 Feb 2022, 14:39
by WellingtonGull
The radio link is my only way until I move to Wellington in may and then I’ll be 45 minutes away instead of 3 hours
so until I can get a season ticket, it’s the radio and away games!!
Matchday Links
Posted: 07 Sep 2024, 13:43
by Dave_Pougher
Anyone know how I listen abroad?
Matchday Links
Posted: 07 Sep 2024, 14:18
by Louis
BBC sounds app with a vpn app downloaded and turned on?
Matchday Links
Posted: 21 Sep 2024, 14:02
by Dave_Pougher
Thanks Louis,
Struggling to listen in the uk today!