Sign Matt Taylor Petition
Posted: 15 Nov 2014, 20:18
Shame on you Matt Taylor.
Last week the politically correct Social Justice Warriors took one of the great achievements of human history, landing a probe from Earth on a speeding comet hundreds of millions of miles away, and made it all about your shirt.
Somebody noticed that it featured comic-book depictions of semi-naked women, and suddenly, the triumph of the comet landing was drowned out by shouts of outrage about the shirt. Don’t you realise that any woman with the character and brainpower and education and determination to be a top scientist like yourself is going to be completely put off by the sight of a shirt such as the one you wore?
Never mind that these same people have no issue with girls in school wearing "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" shirts. And imagine the storm if the scientist had been a woman and everyone focused solely on her clothes and not her achievements.
Hell, the shirt was even made for you by a female friend. And, as the scientist in charge of the mission, you let their hysterical whingeing get to you and you apologised.
Shame on you.
Sign this petition: ... ts-of-matt
Last week the politically correct Social Justice Warriors took one of the great achievements of human history, landing a probe from Earth on a speeding comet hundreds of millions of miles away, and made it all about your shirt.
Somebody noticed that it featured comic-book depictions of semi-naked women, and suddenly, the triumph of the comet landing was drowned out by shouts of outrage about the shirt. Don’t you realise that any woman with the character and brainpower and education and determination to be a top scientist like yourself is going to be completely put off by the sight of a shirt such as the one you wore?
Never mind that these same people have no issue with girls in school wearing "boys are stupid, throw rocks at them" shirts. And imagine the storm if the scientist had been a woman and everyone focused solely on her clothes and not her achievements.
Hell, the shirt was even made for you by a female friend. And, as the scientist in charge of the mission, you let their hysterical whingeing get to you and you apologised.
Shame on you.
Sign this petition: ... ts-of-matt