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Should there be men-only spaces..??

Posted: 29 Nov 2014, 01:40
by Gullscorer
Prompted by this article: ... shops.html :)

Great idea. Not just Men's Sheds and Freemasons, but clubs and other safe spaces for men only. Got to have somewhere to go to get away from the opposite sex, if only for a short time, just to avoid going mad and to retain some sanity.. :)

Should there be men-only spaces..??

Posted: 29 Nov 2014, 08:43
by Southampton Gull
Surely you could just go home? ;-)

Should there be men-only spaces..??

Posted: 29 Nov 2014, 10:42
by Gullscorer
That's the worst place.. and what about all those other poor blokes..?? :)

Mind you, £24 is a bit much for a haircut. There are limits. I'd rather brave the female hordes and get some scissors from Poundland.. :-/