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WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:21
by lucy6lucy
This season is just getting unbearable. After a good solid start, it has gone downhill when we lost at Telford. It's quite evident the players have either no respect for CH, Or indeed they are just a bag of shite. Others may blame previous board members, but clearly the players of which in majority have league experience are just clueless. I just can't believe the position we are in and ultimately the possibility of relegation.

So what happens next:

CH reassures us that we will get a reaction at Nuneaton

Certain forum members blame the previous board and stop being negative

The OS reminds us a night at faulty towers is coming soon

Unemployment in TQ1 is to increase by 15 come June

This is now A club crisis, and I feel for Thea.

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:25
by brucie
I think that Hargreaves will definately say that we will get a result at Nuneaton (and we will definately lose)

I think Bowman will play ninety minutes.

It is actually quite unbelievable that we could now be in a relegation fight

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:34
by Colorado Gull
We have a board full of numpties who don't know what they're doing, working alongside poor old Thea Bristow and giving her their useless advice.

We have Chris Hargreaves who has completely ran out of ideas, hasn't got a clue what to do and has no help whatsoever.

We have a bunch of awful players who have no passion for the club and couldn't give two hoots about TUFC.

We have the loyalist of fans giving up because they've seen their beloved football club get progressively worse for these past few seasons and are now worrying that United will be playing Conference South football next year.

That is what is going on.

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:43
by gullintwoplaces
dannyrvtufc4life wrote:We have a board full of numpties who don't know what they're doing, working alongside poor old Thea Bristow and giving her their useless advice.

We have Chris Hargreaves who has completely ran out of ideas, hasn't got a clue what to do and has no help whatsoever.

We have a bunch of awful players who have no passion for the club and couldn't give two hoots about TUFC.

We have the loyalist of fans giving up because they've seen their beloved football club get progressively worse for these past few seasons and are now worrying that United will be playing Conference South football next year.

That is what is going on.
Agree with every word of that. I have seen good and bad times as a Torquay fan, this is the worst by quite some way. Feels like Groundhog Day, no sign of breaking out of it.

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:44
by Scott Brehaut
What's happening?

Well, I'm not sure really, but sacking managers doesn't seem to be the answer.

Sack Ling. We get worse. Sack Knill. We get worse. Sack Hargreaves......??

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:52
by Dave
So do we as a club make the biggest mistake of them all, by compounding previous mistakes and keep Chris Hargreaves at helm, if this run of results continue and gates continue to fall, there really will not be football club left to support.

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 22:59
by Scott Brehaut
forevertufc wrote:So do we as a club make the biggest mistake of them all, by compounding previous mistakes and keep Chris Hargreaves at helm, if this run of results continue and gates continue to fall, there really will not be football club left to support.
But there are no guarantees that a new manager would make any sort of difference.

Better the devil you know??

WTF is going on

Posted: 10 Mar 2015, 23:11
by Dave
When you say there's no guarantees Scott, I do agree, there never can be guarantees with anything in football. One thing that is guaranteed the club can not carry like this, we'll probably get something at Nuneaton that will only paper over the cracks though.

I'm tired of the players being blamed. We have players who are unfit, yes, partly their own fault, but what are they doing at training, then you have Gueguen playing at right back who's a centre back, after Pearce who was played there in the league as well, tonight we see Dawson a right back played at left back because Ives the new peoples champion has been well and truly found out, then Reid, a striker gets his chance to play, where ? on the left hand side of midfield, and I could go on and on.

Beginning to think at best Chris Hargreaves has developed the mind of a mad man ( could be fixed with counselling) at worst he's an utter buffoon. I keep inviting CH to prove me wrong and make me eat my words, and I'm still waiting.

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 08:18
by Admiral
It's all gone downhill since Ling left

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 09:02
by Fonda
It was going down hill before Ling left.

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 09:12
by KingsteigntonYellow
How long is this bloody hill!?

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 10:21
by wodger of awabia
Admiral wrote:It's all gone downhill since Ling left
"was sacked" by an incompetent Board who hired a crown to replace him.

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 10:28
by Fonda
He was sacked because we were on a clear and decisive downward spiral. Knill didn't improve things and nor has Hargreaves. Circumstances within the club clearly didn't help any of them, but none of the 3 covered themselves in any glory.

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 10:30
by Sunnysideup
wodger of awabia wrote: "was sacked" by an incompetent Board who hired a crown to replace him.
A crown? Sorry, couldnt resist.

I'd say it's all gone downhill since the playoff defeat to Cheltenham to be honest.

WTF is going on

Posted: 11 Mar 2015, 11:02
by stefano
Sunnysideup wrote: I'd say it's all gone downhill since the playoff defeat to Cheltenham to be honest.
It depends what bit of the hill you start at!

It was muted on TFF a couple of weeks ago that the slide downhill started when John Bond left in 1969 and took our best players with him to Bournemouth.

Others would go back to 1959 when we finished in the bottom half of the Division 3 (South) and so became founder members of the new Division 4, this having challenged strongly for promotion to the 2nd tier in the seasons before that.

Whilst I can't see where or how we will pick up another point this season I cannot see us being relegated as I think we already have enough points to avoid it.

So let's put this season down as the lowpoint in the history of Torquay United .... and start climbing that bloody hill! ;-)