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Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015, 08:38
by Gullscorer

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015, 11:34
by Southampton Gull
She really did a number on you, didn't she? ;-)

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015, 12:44
by Gullscorer
Southampton Gull wrote:She really did a number on you, didn't she? ;-)
Still have the scars.. :)

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 19:18
by cambgull
Fortunately, my partner is not abusive. Mainly because I'm not an absolute cretin who decides that they must stay with their partner when they're getting punched in the face or screamed at on a regular basis. I had one like that, I got rid of her quicker than she could shout "why haven't you done the dishes?"

Why? Because I grew a pair.

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 23:32
by Gullscorer
I reckon you were lucky. Many men's abusive partners are abusive to their kids too, and the men are terrified to get away and leave the kids at the mercy of their abusive mother. Such men have no refuges to seek shelter for themselves and their kids. If they report the abuse to the police they are often not taken seriously, and these days often arrested as the abuser if the woman makes a false counter-accusation. A recent study by Dr Jessica McCarrick of Teesside University points out the problem: ... udy-finds/

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 13:04
by madgull
cambgull wrote:Fortunately, my partner is not abusive. Mainly because I'm not an absolute cretin who decides that they must stay with their partner when they're getting punched in the face or screamed at on a regular basis. I had one like that, I got rid of her quicker than she could shout "why haven't you done the dishes?"

Why? Because I grew a pair.

It's nothing to do with being a 'cretin' or 'growing a pair', although your post does show that, while you are (apparently) lacking in the cretin and needing to grow a pair department, sadly this has left you lacking in the brain cell department. What utter and absolute idiocy.

Also, yeah let's all joke that Gullscorer may have been abused by an ex partner, that's really f*cking funny. Jesus, no wonder guys have such a hard time dealing with this kind of problem in society today; it gets under-represented, under-reported, and then their peers treat the possibility of being abused as some kind of joke or being down to not being 'manly' enough.

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 15:27
by Southampton Gull
Period pains?

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 17:42
by Gullscorer
Interesting article here, about the numbers of abusers, male and female, who were themselves abused as kids, the majority of them by their mothers: ... -violence/

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 15:38
by cambgull
madgull wrote:
It's nothing to do with being a 'cretin' or 'growing a pair', although your post does show that, while you are (apparently) lacking in the cretin and needing to grow a pair department, sadly this has left you lacking in the brain cell department. What utter and absolute idiocy.

Also, yeah let's all joke that Gullscorer may have been abused by an ex partner, that's really f*cking funny. Jesus, no wonder guys have such a hard time dealing with this kind of problem in society today; it gets under-represented, under-reported, and then their peers treat the possibility of being abused as some kind of joke or being down to not being 'manly' enough.
We really need a fishing smiley...

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 00:49
by madgull
cambgull wrote: We really need a fishing smiley...
We really need a notfunnyandcausingrealproblems smiley.

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 02:18
by ferrarilover
Some words, posted by a stranger, on the Internet, with absolutely no reference to you whatsoever and they're causing 'real problems'?

This is like the time Scorer admonished me for driving people to suicide by being mean online. There's an awful irony in that now, of course, in that I feel like killing myself every time I see he's posted some more old shit.


Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 11:53
by Gullscorer
There's an awful irony in the fact that I call myself 'scorer'.. :)

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:21
by Southampton Gull
Yes, I imagine the last time you 'scored' it cost you a score ;-)

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 04 Nov 2015, 12:57
by Gullscorer
Southampton Gull wrote:Yes, I imagine the last time you 'scored' it cost you a score ;-)
And the rest. Talk about 'high maintenance'... :)

Is your partner abusive?

Posted: 17 May 2016, 22:48
by Gullscorer
This from Australia, with references to UK: ... usive-men/