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Current Form

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 17:51
by portugull
Yesterday I had a look at the current form of the bottom 6 in the National League. These stats are all prior to last nights games when 3 of the bottom 6 were in action.

These are the points gained to prior to last night from the last 10 games where 30 points were available.

Boreham Wood 13 points
Altrincham 10 points
Halifax 16 points
Welling 2 points
Torquay United 10 points
Kidderminster 10 points

Halifax are the form team with 4 wins and 4 draws from the 10 games.
Welling seem to be in freefall with 8 defeats from the last 10

The 3 teams above Boreham Wood are Guiseley with 39 points Barrow 39 points and Chester with 39 points.

Boreham Wood have the best goal difference by a big margin at minus 4. The bottom 5 are very close together ranging between minus 21 and minus 25.

It is beginning to look as if Kiddy and Welling will go down with the other 2 joining them coming from Torquay, Halifax, Altrincham or Boreham Wood. We just have to beat Kiddy on Saturday and hope that we can get something out of the Braintree game as they have a very good away record with only 4 defeats from 16 games. Win the next 2 and we will have a real chance of avoiding the drop.

Current Form

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 20:13
by lucy6lucy
portugull wrote:Yesterday I had a look at the current form of the bottom 6 in the National League. These stats are all prior to last nights games when 3 of the bottom 6 were in action.

These are the points gained to prior to last night from the last 10 games where 30 points were available.

Boreham Wood 13 points
Altrincham 10 points
Halifax 16 points
Welling 2 points
Torquay United 10 points
Kidderminster 10 points

Halifax are the form team with 4 wins and 4 draws from the 10 games.
Welling seem to be in freefall with 8 defeats from the last 10

The 3 teams above Boreham Wood are Guiseley with 39 points Barrow 39 points and Chester with 39 points.

Boreham Wood have the best goal difference by a big margin at minus 4. The bottom 5 are very close together ranging between minus 21 and minus 25.

It is beginning to look as if Kiddy and Welling will go down with the other 2 joining them coming from Torquay, Halifax, Altrincham or Boreham Wood. We just have to beat Kiddy on Saturday and hope that we can get something out of the Braintree game as they have a very good away record with only 4 defeats from 16 games. Win the next 2 and we will have a real chance of avoiding the drop.
Why not include last nights results, it would make much better reading

Current Form

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 20:36
by Jeff
I think that if we can get a win on Saturday, that will be curtains for Kidderminster as the gap between us and them will be huge, with us having a sizable number of games in hand. Welling I also think are goners, I didn't realise how poor their form was until I looked before our game against them.

With regards to the rest, I disagree that its "just" between us, Altrincham, Halifax and Boreham Wood. If results go favourably for us this weekend, the likes of Chester, Guiseley, Barrow and maybe even Southport will still be in play. We've still got to play 6 of those teams - and 5 of them at home - and we have games in hand on all of them. Every year some team hits a rotten patch of form around March and makes a late dash for the relegation spots. Too many sides this season have been ticking over without really hitting bad form.

Given their "gamesmanship" last weekend, it wouldn't surprise me or upset me to see Guiseley become that team who drop. Their attitude won't have done them any favours or won them any friends, and I don't see them getting many benefit of the doubt decisions over the next few games. Could be critical

Current Form

Posted: 02 Mar 2016, 20:57
by jimhart33
Looking at Guiseley's fixtures they are easily the hardest ones "on paper" other than:
Boreham Wood away on 23rd April and
TUFC at home on 30th April !!!
However, we all know the only thing certain is the unexpected.

Current Form

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 22:26
by portugull
Jeff I take your point that Southport,Chester, Barrow and Guiseley could be drawn in to the mix if they have a really shocking run in.

Southport are 13 points ahead of us but we have 3 games in hand of them.

The 5 home games we have against fellow strugglers will be key if we are to survive.

What happened in the Guiseley game last weekend? Gamesmanship?

Current Form

Posted: 03 Mar 2016, 22:53
by Southampton Gull

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 15:12
by northlondongull
Southampton Gull wrote:[youtube]TCrUEqThTh0[/youtube]

I have no idea how Mark Bower could call that a grey area! The onus would have been on him to have instructed his team to concede and he should be ashamed of his actions. Where is the spirit of the game!?

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 16:31
by portugull
Thank you Dave. Jeff is absolutely right Guiseley are going to take a long time to live this incident down.

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 16:46
by davidcaldwell123
I'm actually not sure he meant that, look at the way he strikes the ball, its very relaxed, the keeper is of his line and does not react? Strange one???

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 17:04
by Southampton Gull
I agree but in that situation you give the other team a goal and shake hands after.

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 18:00
by Jeff
Absolutely - regardless of whether the player meant to put it there, or if Guiseley think the keeper could have made more of an effort, in that situation you give a goal back whatever the circumstance.

Quite why Guiseley thought otherwise is beyond me

EDIT - Having now watched the clip back with sound on it, the Guiseley fans truly come across as a cretinous bunch. As if you would celebrate that - I'd be deeply ashamed if that situation manifested itself for TUFC and we behaved the same way.

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 18:02
by gateman49
This is on another thread as well see:

Sad day for Football on 'Banterboard', can they be combined on some way?

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 19:51
by lucy6lucy
Jeff wrote:Absolutely - regardless of whether the player meant to put it there, or if Guiseley think the keeper could have made more of an effort, in that situation you give a goal back whatever the circumstance.

Quite why Guiseley thought otherwise is beyond me

EDIT - Having now watched the clip back with sound on it, the Guiseley fans truly come across as a cretinous bunch. As if you would celebrate that - I'd be deeply ashamed if that situation manifested itself for TUFC and we behaved the same way.

What if it goes to the wire away at guiseley on the last day we need an equaliser to stay up and in the last minute we did the same, would you want us to let them score from kick off :aww: I doubt very much

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 20:19
by Dave
As I said on the other thread, Think all have to take a close look at the Braintree keeper. Think the referee is powerless to act here, it's normal for the other team allow, the offended against side to score unopposed.

You'd hope that all teams including TUFC would do the right thing regardless of the consequences, however if relegation was riding on it, as Lucy says, would we want our team to do the right thing, and how would we feel if they did.

Current Form

Posted: 04 Mar 2016, 20:38
by Jeff
lucy6lucy wrote:

What if it goes to the wire away at guiseley on the last day we need an equaliser to stay up and in the last minute we did the same, would you want us to let them score from kick off :aww: I doubt very much
You've missed my point. I was referring to the behaviour of their supporters. They were celebrating like that was perfectly legitimate, and it wasn't a relegation 6 pointer. I think it's deplorable behaviour from the club and its fans.

With regards to the other comments, the keepers position and reaction is irrelevant. In every other instance where this situation has occurred, a "free goal" has been provided in return. And anyway, my interpretation is that ball is way too far above the keeper for him to do anything about it anyway