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Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 15:13
by brooker
Have we still got a drum/drummer? The atmosphere has been noticably flat over the last couple of games, and against Woking particularly it was like a graveyard. This is not a dig at Danny who does a great job and is obviously not obliged to drum at all, but have we not got someone else who'd step in if he's not there or fancies a break? It really does completely change the atmosphere, and can get the whole ground singing.


Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 17:34
by wivelgull
I don't think the drummer was as loud as the diminutive Ken Gibbs who lived in Hele. Every time United attacked you'd hear: 'C_H_A_A_A_A_R_R_R_G_E!


Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 18:34
by gullpower
brooker wrote:Have we still got a drum/drummer? The atmosphere has been noticably flat over the last couple of games, and against Woking particularly it was like a graveyard. This is not a dig at Danny who does a great job and is obviously not obliged to drum at all, but have we not got someone else who'd step in if he's not there or fancies a break? It really does completely change the atmosphere, and can get the whole ground singing.


Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 19:57
by Colorado Gull
brooker wrote:Have we still got a drum/drummer? The atmosphere has been noticably flat over the last couple of games, and against Woking particularly it was like a graveyard. This is not a dig at Danny who does a great job and is obviously not obliged to drum at all, but have we not got someone else who'd step in if he's not there or fancies a break? It really does completely change the atmosphere, and can get the whole ground singing.

Bringing the drum with me every game, home and away, is never a chore...however, when the performances on the pitch falter, fans start to lose the motivation to create an atmosphere. There were a couple of homes games where I would take the drum, try and start a few chants, we concede and then everyone (quite rightly) just loses the enthusiasm. Because of that, I don't bother taking the drum with me, it's a waste of time. I didn't go on Saturday, I couldn't face going.

I'll be at Eastleigh and the drum will be with me, away games generate better atmosphere's anyway.


Posted: 17 Oct 2016, 20:20
by gullpower
dannyrvtufc4life wrote:
Bringing the drum with me every game, home and away, is never a chore...however, when the performances on the pitch falter, fans start to lose the motivation to create an atmosphere. There were a couple of homes games where I would take the drum, try and start a few chants, we concede and then everyone (quite rightly) just loses the enthusiasm. Because of that, I don't bother taking the drum with me, it's a waste of time. I didn't go on Saturday, I couldn't face going.

I'll be at Eastleigh and the drum will be with me, away games generate better atmosphere's anyway.
Danny, Just play the drum. It sounds great on its own - more war like.

Well done anyway for all your efforts.