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There are more important things than football

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 20:53
by Glostergull
While we contemplate the new season coming up soon, can we just spare a thought for Joe Thompson of Rochdale FC. he had to battle cancer in 2014 and seemed to win. now he has learned that Hodgkins Lymphoma has returned and he undergoing Chemotherapy. He has a young wisp of a wide and a young daughter. they have their lives ahead of them. Can we pray that he will be there to share it with them?

There are more important things than football

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 22:11
by Gullscorer
Yep, will say a prayer for him and for others similarly afflicted. I often think that most people who are fit, healthy, and energetic, have little to no understanding of the sufferings of those with serious and chronic health conditions. Particularly if people only see them on their good days (and they, like everyone, have good days and bad days), they are often incorrectly and unjustly accused of malingering, of being fit for work, even fraudulently claiming benefits. Certainly there are malingerers and fraudsters, but we should not tar all sick and disabled people with the same brush. Makes me angry. God bless him and his family.

There are more important things than football

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 07:17
by Jerry
Thankfully Joe has reported that he has been told he has beaten the cancer again and is in full remission :) ... r-13221475