by Jeff » 02 Jun 2011, 18:17
To be fair I'm quite happy with the situation as it stands.
It sounds like (from SG's posts) that the board have the matter in hand - that says to me that have a fair idea on who they want to take the job. So what if they've postponed any board meeting till next week? I'm assuming that was to give people a chance to apply.
My opinion - based on nothing but speculation - is that once they were aware that Buckle was on the way, they sounded out potential unattached targets. I'm thinking Trollope, Greavsie, Hill, Rioch etc. Judging by some of the comments on here, it would suggest that one or more of the boards preferred targets have indicated any interest.
By opening the application process, they've allowed people they havn't approached to enter the frame. Lets be honest, I doubt our board would have approached Nicky Forster, Kevin Phillips, Didi Hamann (he openly touted for the Swindon job, who says he won't apply for us!). At least this way they will have the full picture of who is interested.
I'd rather the board made a considered appointment at this time, rather than a knee-jerk reaction. It seems that is what they are doing.
To be fair I'm quite happy with the situation as it stands.
It sounds like (from SG's posts) that the board have the matter in hand - that says to me that have a fair idea on who they want to take the job. So what if they've postponed any board meeting till next week? I'm assuming that was to give people a chance to apply.
My opinion - based on nothing but speculation - is that once they were aware that Buckle was on the way, they sounded out potential unattached targets. I'm thinking Trollope, Greavsie, Hill, Rioch etc. Judging by some of the comments on here, it would suggest that one or more of the boards preferred targets have indicated any interest.
By opening the application process, they've allowed people they havn't approached to enter the frame. Lets be honest, I doubt our board would have approached Nicky Forster, Kevin Phillips, Didi Hamann (he openly touted for the Swindon job, who says he won't apply for us!). At least this way they will have the full picture of who is interested.
I'd rather the board made a considered appointment at this time, rather than a knee-jerk reaction. It seems that is what they are doing.