Martin ling

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Trojan 67
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Post by Trojan 67 »

"Some among us have no sympathy for self inflicted illness"

Some among us have sympathy for self inflicted illness. You, Gullscorer, have presumed that I have no sympathy for self inflicted illness.

I'll now tell you where to find sympathy : in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis.

Care to presume some more ?
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Post by stevegull »

Gullscorer wrote: Presumably you would apply that principle evenhandedly, for example, to smokers who get lung or throat cancer, to people who try to kill themselves, to people hit by a vehicle when they step onto the highway without looking, to people injured whilst engaged in sports despite knowing the risks, people who cannot stop eating, etc..?

The truth is that what at first appears to be self-inflicted usually has its origins in matters beyond the control of the afflicted, whether it be depression, mental illness, personality disorder, genetic deficiencies, or stress. So is it really for us to judge and condemn somebody so afflicted? Instead, perhaps a little humanity and compassion would be more helpful all round..
:goodpost: Quite right Gullscorer. I'm surprised at Trojan's comments on this and I hope I have misconstrued what he really meant to stay.
Maybe one day, Carayol will find London...
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Post by stevegull »

And it seems I have...
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Post by ferrarilover »

We can only stick eleven blokes on the pitch at once. Eunan barely got a kick in his first year and a half. Just be cool, Cruise, Craig and, hopefully, Yeoman will all come good.

J5 said, "ferrarilover is 100% correct"
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Post by Trojan 67 »

stevegull wrote:And it seems I have...
No problem. :-D
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Post by Gullscorer »

Trojan 67 wrote:"Some among us have no sympathy for self inflicted illness"

Some among us have sympathy for self inflicted illness*. You, Gullscorer, have presumed that I have no sympathy for self inflicted illness.
I'll now tell you where to find sympathy : in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis.
Care to presume some more ?
*You could have put this line in your post; you chose to put the other one in. I presume people will wonder why, and will draw their own conclusions. Your other comment: 'As for stress, get out of the kitchen before becoming overcome by the heat' is revealing.

Methinks you doth protest too much... :~D
Last edited by Gullscorer on 24 Apr 2013, 20:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trojan 67 »

"Observations are more than what is seen"

You have ears, do you not hear ?

You can touch, do you not feel ?

Some opinions are bullsh*t.

Smell it ?

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Post by Dave »

Troj, have you forgoten to take your tablets again.. :)
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Post by Gullscorer »

forevertufc wrote:Troj, have you forgotten to take your tablets again.. :)
You've got to feel sorry for the bhuy, even if his opinions are self-inflicted..! Though I presume he's got used to the smell by now.. =D
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Post by Trojan 67 »

This thread is relative to Martin Ling.

Some have blindly charged in where deaf ears haven't listened.

Some now observe stupidity, neck to neck with folly, in a race to the finishing line.

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Post by Trojan 67 »

forevertufc wrote:Troj, have you forgoten to take your tablets again.. :)

AndyBodinFan took them with him when he went on holiday.

:-/ :rofl:
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Post by brucie »

Wodger - are you related to Martin Ling or something. Apparently Knill has been lucky because the Barnet keeper let one in when he should have saved it and the Morecambe keeper tried to step on the ball and the missed it.
You are clearly trying to insinuate that Knill has been no more than lucky in his attempts to keep us up - which is indeed totally bizarre.
Talking of bizarre - Ling has a "stress related illness" (now that is a fact unless simon baker is a liar) which caused him to go awol, ahem I mean absent on sick leave for more than four months.
During this time he was apparently so ill that even his assistant manager couldn't contact him and had to go through Lings wife (ooh er missus - titter ye not :) )
This is also a fact because Taylor said so in an interview (unless of course he is also a liar).
So whatever it must be a fairly serious stress related illness to be off work for that period of time.
Equally bizarre however is that by all accounts Ling has now made a full recovery and is going to return imminently (coincidentally just as the season ends) and is going to sort out the playing contracts and sort the team out for next season.
One wonders if he has been treated by that weird doctor on the village perhaps - the one who has been pouring veal calves milk down that mad bints throat. Now that is bizarre!
I am sorry but being the manager of a professional football club isn't really like most other professions and its only natural that Martin Lings situation is coming under such scrutiny. This isn't a personal thing at all - he is far from the worse manager we have ever had as I said before but supporters have every right to be concerned.
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Post by Trojan 67 »

Well done Brucie, it's where it should be . . . . . . on topic backed by reported news.

Almost said facts. :nod: :whip:
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Post by Oil Beef Hooked »

Personally, I couldn't care less what Martin Ling's illness is. It's simply none of my business.

Also, hats off to the club for doing the right thing and not letting the world know what Martin has been off with. This is an issue between Martin (employee) and the club (employer). I wouldn't expect my employer telling 3rd parties what illness I may suffering from.

As for next season, whoever manages us after Saturday will split opinion as the club cannot possibly keep everyone happy, unless its either Mourinho or SAF. But there's more chance of Louie Spence coming round to my house and using me a his plaything than that happening. :'( :whip:

Personally, I don't really care who manages us next season as long as they give a minimum of 100%, play decent attractive football and live and breathe Torquay United, as surely that's all we can ask for.


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Post by Matt85 »

This whole issue is ridiculous. EITHER way we end up with a decent mangaer, whether it's Ling or Knill. Knill, great manager don't get me wrong and he keeps us up and stays next season great!
Lingy got us to the playoffs last season. People have also questioned his ability to bring in players. The first two that spring to mind are Bobby and Rene. 81 points this season would have seen us 2nd.
We were 6points from playoffs with a game in hand when Lingy was taken ill. One of the worst runs for our club in many years was under Taylor.
Let's get that result on Saturday and brush this one under the carpet. No worries for next season whateber happens.
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