Very surprised by torquay,did not really seem prepared or up the game..almost a rerun of our last visit.Not be patronising but i do have a good feeling about your club.nice area, nice people,have never had my hand shaken by a policeman after a game before and wished a safe journey home.Maybe therein lies the problem..almost to nice for this cynical game.
On the question of evans and raynor i and many crawley fans would love to go up this year and see these two horrible characters disappear for ever.They are both a blight on football and an embarrasment to our club.
Crawley have and have always had many decent people involved in the running of the club and despite all the press two very sensible backers that most clubs would die for.
What the future holds for us ? who knows but we have come a long way and intend to enjoy the journey.All the very best to everyone at tufc