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Post by OllieGull »

This is possibly the most heartwarming, news-worthy story I have ever read: ... riend.html
(sarcasm intended)
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Post by Gullscorer »

OllieGull wrote:This is possibly the most heartwarming, news-worthy story I have ever read: ... riend.html
(sarcasm intended)
:O :slap: There are some things we don't wish to know about..!! :~D
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Post by Gullscorer »

Matteo Renzi has been sworn in as Italy's youngest prime minister at the Presidential Palace in Rome, at the swearing-in of Italy's 65th government since the end of World War II sixty-nine years ago!
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Post by Gullscorer »

Suicides: Key Points

· In 2012, 5,981 suicides in people aged 15 and over were registered in the UK, 64 fewer than in 2011.
· The UK suicide rate was 11.6 deaths per 100,000 population in 2012, but there are significant differences in suicide rates
between men and women. Male suicide rates were more than three times higher* at 18.2 male deaths compared with 5.2
female deaths per 100,000 population. The highest suicide rate was among men aged 40 to 44, at 25.9 deaths per 100,000 population.
· The most common methods of suicide in the UK in 2012 were hanging, strangulation and suffocation (58% of male suicides and
36% of female suicides) and poisoning (43% of female suicides and 20% of male suicides).
· In 2012 in England, the suicide rate was highest in the North West at 12.4 deaths per 100,000 population and lowest in London
at 8.7 per 100,000 population.
· The median registration delay for deaths where suicide was the underlying cause of death was 155 days in England and Wales
and 144 days in Northern Ireland. In Scotland, the time taken to register a death did not exceed the allocated eight days.

Get all the tables for this publication in the data section of this publication: ... A77-332358 ... de-figures

*Anyone looking for suicide risk factors here need only look at the anti-male bias in education and the judicial system, and in society generally, and the fact that 4 out of every 7 unemployed people are men, and the vast majority of the homeless are men.
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Post by Gullscorer »

It’s not yet law but there’s a Bill going through Parliament that could lead to the State Pension age going up. The Government announced in the Autumn 2013 statement that they believe the pension age should be kept in line with life expectancy and that people should expect to spend a third of their adult life in retirement.

This means that based on the life expectancy today the qualifying age to receive your State Pension would be 68 by 2030 and 69 in 2040, if the Bill were to be passed. The experts think that the bill is likely to pass but it’s possible that there could be some tweaks before it becomes law.

Wow!! Let's take a closer look at this momentous news:

Current average life expectancy is 79 years for men and 83 years for women. We reach adulthood at 18 years, and so one third of our adult lives (our retirement years) would be 20 years for men and 21 years for women. And so by the government's own expectations, the retirement age (the qualifying age for State Pension) should be 59 for men and 62 for women. Traditionally it has been 65 for men and 60 for women, but the government is already raising women's retirement age (ostensibly for reasons of equality), as well as planning to increase retirement age for both sexes due to increased life expectancies.

Statisticians have already been working on finding reasons why men could be expected to live as long as women by the year 2030 (for example, quoting the fact that fewer men are smokers) and one expert already predicts that average life expectancy for both men and women will equalise at 87 by the year 2030. It's almost as if powers-that-be produce statistics specifically to justify their particular agenda, rather than produce policies which address existing trends. Perish the thought..!!

However, let's assume that average life expectancy for both men and women will indeed be 87 by the year 2030. If the government is honest in stating that people should expect to spend one third of their adult life in retirement, then the retirement age (qualifying age for State Pension) in 2030 should be 64 years for everybody, not 68 years. So everybody, both men and women, are going to lose out on their retirement years..!!

This bill is going to need a few more tweaks before it becomes law..
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Post by Gullscorer »

Why is a government website carrying fake jobs?

The government's Jobmatch website is carrying bogus vacancies from nine online recruitment agencies, who make money by encouraging visitors to post their CVs. More than 11,000 positions currently advertised on the government's Universal Jobmatch website may be bogus

The jobs, which range from sous chefs to dry cleaners, account for almost one-in-50 of all those posted in Britain on the site and, in some areas, a third of all the jobs available on Jobmatch, may be fake.

Since March 2013 it has been mandatory for all jobseeker's allowance claimants to register and use the Jobmatch website. Those who fail to do so can have their benefits cut entirely. But if some of the jobs on the site are not genuine, the claimants who have applied for them may have been wasting their time..!!
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Post by Heritage gull »

There is always someone worse off... ... s-4315525/
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