Tommo, I can assure my figure quoted is as accurate as you're going to get, and not one plucked from anywhere, and it's because we were relegated from the football league if I've understood it correctly. Where the funding received as posted elsewhere does an about face, so CAT 3 funding goes from 2/3 rds to 1/3rd, and so on.
So cat 3 cost of roughly £360,000 as quoted elsewhere, would mean our club having to find £250,000 from it's own money, that's what I'm getting at.
EDIT, sorry tommo, forgot to add, yes parents would allow their children to join, if, and it is, an if, TUFC tried to re-start the academy, different families, different generation of young players.
Added in 57 minutes 19 seconds:
Motorman wrote:Mr Legend. Ours sons are still under contract and will be paid for 12 months provided with coaching and football by TUFC regardless
If they want them off the TUFC payroll they really need to find suitable alternatives
Show a little respect
What respect are we talking about here, the scant, and scandalous lack of respect that's been shown by some, towards Steve Breed, Dean Edwards and the consortium that's stepped in and saved our club from 100% almost certainly entering into administration, which in turn would have led to the youth set-up closing any way, which I.Q challenged people can not or fail to understand.
If your sons are going to continued being paid and continued to be provided with training, what actually is the problem, why are so many parents on here moaning. Their are literally 100's if not more lads every year, in academies up and down the country who called into an office at U16 or at the end of their scholarships and told their dream is over, it is the most harsh and unforgiving environment a young person can be in.
My own son was called into an office at Plainmoor as a U14, no compassion, no heart, told by the club they were letting him go, no moans or tears, I gave him some options, he choose to join a specialised goalkeeping academy and was more than happy to pay the £30 a month cost, he worked hard, a year later was rewarded with a trial at Exeter City, my son broke his wrist on his second trial session, and another door slammed shut in his face, he still didn't whinge, despite his bad luck and another plié of crap being flung in his face, he's continued to work his nuts off, just completed his first full season in the S-D-L premier 16-17 years old, winning the clubs first team player of the year, already has two semi-pro clubs tracking him and was invited to train with one, his chances of making it as a pro now, have all but gone with some really poor luck a long the way, but I have no doubt he'll get his reward and earn money playing the game, all because neither of us dripped like a leaky tap, he took his medicine and got on with it, unlike some who've posted on this thread
I will be quoting a post made elsewhere as soon as enough time has elapsed, some would do well to read and understand it.