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Post by Gullscorer »

Orange Gull wrote:A central plank of Trump's campaign was calling Obama out for his weak stance on Islamic terrorism, urging him to mention "radical Islamic terrorism". Strange then that when presented with the opportunity to address this on his first trip to Saudi Arabia, Trump's rhetoric seems to be no different to that of the previous administration.
Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-me ... d=47533001
Will Trump resign in disgrace?
Ah yes, Obama, one of the worst USA presidents ever: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -poll.html

Will Trump resign in disgrace? Will you? Disgrace? Really? Wait a few years. Trump will turn out to be one of the best ever US presidents.. :)
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Post by ManxGull »

Or he'll be impeached and arrested either way makes great television :)
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Post by Gullscorer »

ManxGull wrote: 21 May 2017, 23:39Or he'll be impeached and arrested either way makes great television :)

That's true! As for Trump v Obama, which seems to be of concern to Orange Gull, this may be factual or opinion or both, but certainly worth a read: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... apologism/
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Post by ManxGull »

that's it aint it he could be the greatest president ever ( I doubt it buts just my opinion ) or he could end in jail (don't know that either), like him or loath him to man doesn't do safe boring middle its one extreme or the other which is fun to watch for just pure entertainment factor.
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Post by cambgull »

:bow: :bow: :bow:

"Successful applicants need not apply"
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Post by Southampton Gull »


Fair play to our Tim.

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Post by Gullscorer »

Saudi Arabia, the nation which funds and supports Wahhabi mosques and terrorists worldwide:

Shia imam Sheikh Mohammad Tawhidi told the Mail the Saudi team’s decision not to participate was not about the practice being
un-Islamic, but because the dead were non-Muslim.
“[Muslims] regularly mourn over a person if a leader dies or if there is an attack of some kind,” he said.
“They did not stop for a moment of silence because according to Wahhabi Islam – which governs Saudi Arabia – it is not wrong or a sin for a Muslim to kill a non-Muslim. In their eyes, the attackers are martyrs who are going to paradise.
“If they stand for a minute of silence, they are against their Muslim brothers who fought for jihad and fought the ‘infidels’.

http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/06 ... k-victims/
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Post by Gullscorer »

Jeremy Corbyn and other politicians on the left have sought to make political capital from the Grenfell Tower fire: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/819510 ... heresa-may
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/819505 ... king-grief

And yet, nobody (neither the Labour Party nor the BBC) seems to be mentioning that the best person to be answering detailed questions about the Grenfell Tower block, is somebody who:

... served as a council-appointed board member of Kensington and Chelsea TMO, the tenant management organisation which manages the council's housing stock, from 27 June 2008 to 31 October 2012.[6][7][8]
In 2013/4 she was a member of the council's Housing and Property Scrutiny Committee.[9][10]
She has been a member of the council's Planning Applications Committee since May 2013,
and a member of the main Planning Committee since June 2014.

The newly elected Labour MP for Kensington.
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Post by Plainmoor78 »

Indeed the labour mp for the constituency served on the 16 member Kensington and Chelsea TMO whilst a councilor, as does a Conservative councilor maighread Condon-Simmonds.
So what is your point. By the way I had seen on the BBC news that they did mention the MP's former position on the TMO on the day of the disaster.
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Post by Gullscorer »

OK 16 of 'em, they should be able to answer a few questions, though I wonder how many of them are actually looking forward to doing so. They'd find it rather uncomfortable I should think. I never saw that BBC news item, and I know not how many on the TMO are Labour and how many are Conservative or other, but the most prominent of their number is surely the one who is the newly elected MP for Kensington. That point is sufficient in most people's eyes, if not in yours, to win her a mention..
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Post by oldpedant »

An alternative view to the warped world of Breitbart.

http://zelo-street.blogspot.co.uk/2017/ ... usted.html

Gullscorer ... you really need to broaden your 'research' beyond your own echo chamber.
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Post by Gullscorer »

I do, I really do: Daily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, The Conservative Woman, and of course Heat Street
(https://heatst.com/).. ;-)
As for the warped world of Zelo Street which you mentioned, very helpful of them to point out Breitbart's lies. But how do we recognise the lies told by Zelo-Street? Believe me, I've researched so many the Marxist-feminist-Liberal-'progressive'-PC websites. Echo-chambers all.. :|
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