TorquayFans Prediction League 23/24

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TorquayFans Prediction League 23/24

Post by Louis »

With a new season soon upon us, I want to bring back to life our prediction league on the forum and keep things nice and simple with the opportunity to win some cool prizes.

1st Place = Shirt of choice from the club shop
+ Prediction League winner title on the forum
2nd Place = 2 free tickets to a game of your choice
3rd Place = Hat or Scarve of your choice from the club shop

How to play
- Simply put your prediction on the normal match day topic for each game
1 point for a correct WIN, DRAW or LOSS
3 points for a correct SCORE
- You need to make it clear who is winning in your prediction and if not stated it will be taken as 1-0 being a home win, if you meant away win and weren't clear 0 points will be given.
- Friendly games and cup games do not count, this is for league games only.
- You can join in at any time throughout the season but obviously, you're more likely to win if you play every week and start from the beginning.
- Edited posts are monitored and cheating will result in 0 points.
- Only forum posts will count as predictions. PMs, DMs, Tweets, text messages, etc. are not counted.
- Predictions are only accepted up until kick-off, so a 15:00 kick-off you need to have posted by 14:59.
- This topic will be updated throughout the season with position and points and will be a scrape of an excel document held offline.

Good luck! :) I look forward to contacting the winners at the end of the season.
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Post by DevonBee »

Excellent Louis well done for this 👍
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Post by DerekDawkinsJnr »

DevonBee wrote: 21 Jul 2023, 07:40 Excellent Louis well done for this 👍
Well said. Takes a lot of work to do this. Much appreciated.
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Post by zebgull »

Thank you Louis - looking forward to this! My downfall is always my over optimism.....
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Post by Louis »


Game 1 Dover v Torquay predictions time…
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Post by DGulls »

Great idea Louis. I'm sure fellow fans will enjoy this feature.
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Post by Minneapolisgull »

DGulls wrote: 02 Aug 2023, 15:00 Great idea Louis. I'm sure fellow fans will enjoy this feature.
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Post by Louis »

Week 1 League Table

Username ----------------- Points

Wolborough ----------------- 1
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 1
Hornblower ----------------- 1
Midlandgull ----------------- 0
United62 ----------------- 0
happytorq ----------------- 0
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 0
Cheddargull ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- 0
Admiral ----------------- 0
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 0
Swindon gull ----------------- 0
Cruisinho ----------------- 0
Louis ----------------- 0
Eirik ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- 0
torregull ----------------- 0
AdrianC ----------------- 0
portugull ----------------- 0
Dgulls ----------------- 0
budegull1954 ----------------- 0
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 0
North Curry House ----------------- 0
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 0
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 0
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- 0
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 0
Incredigull ----------------- 0
Southampton Gull ----------------- 0
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 0
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

Thanks for the predictions all, another poor week on scores, good to see more names joining the league. Still plenty of time to join in if you haven't already with great TUFC merch up for grabs at the end of the season for the top-of-the-table winners.

This weeks prediction league update… Last game vs: Worthing LOSS 0-3

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
Hornblower ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 1
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 1
Admiral ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
AdrianC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Brewers boy ----------------- 4-2 ----------------- 0
budegull1954 ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 0
Cheddargull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Chelston TUFC ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Cruisinho ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Dave_Pougher ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Dgulls ----------------- 4-2 ----------------- 0
Eirik ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
happytorq ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 0
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
Incredigull ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 0
Louis ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 0
Midlandgull ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
North Curry House ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Sesimbra ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 0
Southampton Gull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 0
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
torregull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 0
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 0
United62 ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 0
MellowYellow ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
dawlishmatt ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
Willhtq ----------------- 4-2 ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
leetufc ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 0
Kingsgull83 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

This weeks prediction league update… Last game vs: Chippenham WIN 2-1

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Dgulls ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Hornblower ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
Cheddargull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 1
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 1
Eirik ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 1
happytorq ----------------- 5-2 ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
leetufc ----------------- 4-2 ----------------- 1
MellowYellow ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
Midlandgull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 1
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
Southampton Gull ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 1
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
United62 ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- DNP ----------------- 1
Taelee73 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
zebgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 1
notnow ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 1
Hot Rod ----------------- 5-1 ----------------- 1
teddiebear ----------------- 9-0 ----------------- 1
Brewers boy ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 1
Admiral ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 0
AdrianC ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
budegull1954 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Chelston TUFC ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Cruisinho ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Dave_Pougher ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 0
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Incredigull ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
Louis ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 0
North Curry House ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- 2-3 ----------------- 0
Sesimbra ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Swindon gull ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
torregull ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Willhtq ----------------- 2 Predictions ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- DNP ----------------- 0
culmstockgull ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 0
The deluder ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 2-3 ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 0
Brewers boy
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Post by Brewers boy »

Think you owe me a point for predicting a win v Chippenham
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Post by Louis »

Brewers boy wrote: 17 Aug 2023, 23:04 Think you owe me a point for predicting a win v Chippenham
Good spot, apologies sorted that now :yellow: to me
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Post by Brewers boy »

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Post by Louis »

This weeks prediction league update… Last game vs: St Albans WIN 0-1

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 8
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 5
portugull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 5
Dgulls ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
Hornblower ----------------- 0-3 ----------------- 3
Eirik ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 2
Hot Rod ----------------- 1-4 ----------------- 2
MellowYellow ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 2
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 2
Southampton Gull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 2
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 2
Taelee73 ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 2
Admiral ----------------- 1-4 ----------------- 1
Brewers boy ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 1
Cheddargull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 1
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
leetufc ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Louis ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 1
Midlandgull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
notnow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 1
Sesimbra ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 1
United62 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 1
AdrianC ----------------- ----------------- 0
budegull1954 ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
Cruisinho ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 0
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- ----------------- 0
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
North Curry House ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
The deluder ----------------- ----------------- 0
torregull ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- ----------------- 0
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
Brixham63 ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

This weeks prediction league update… Last game vs: Slough WIN 1-2

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 9
portugull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 9
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 9
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 8
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 8
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 6
Dgulls ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 5
notnow ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 5
zebgull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 5
budegull1954 ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 4
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 4
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
North Curry House ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 4
Eirik ----------------- 2-3 ----------------- 3
Hornblower ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 3
Hot Rod ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 3
MellowYellow ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 3
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 3
Taelee73 ----------------- 0-3 ----------------- 3
Cheddargull ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 2
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 2
happytorq ----------------- 1-4 ----------------- 2
leetufc ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
Louis ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 2
Midlandgull ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 2
Sesimbra ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 2
Southampton Gull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 2
United62 ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 2
Admiral ----------------- ----------------- 1
Brewers boy ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 1
Cruisinho ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 1
Incredigull ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 1
Swindon gull ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 1
teddiebear ----------------- 6-0 ----------------- 1
torregull ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
Willhtq ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 1
Skillsy ----------------- 1-4 ----------------- 1
Dave ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 1
AdrianC ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 0
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
The deluder ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0

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