TorquayFans Prediction League 23/24

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Post by Louis »

This weeks prediction league update… Last game vs: Braintree WIN 2-1

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 10
portugull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 10
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 10
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 9
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 9
North Curry House ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 8
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 7
Cheddargull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 6
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 6
Dgulls ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 6
notnow ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 6
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 5
Swindon gull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 5
budegull1954 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
Eirik ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 4
Hornblower ----------------- 4-2 ----------------- 4
Hot Rod ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 4
MellowYellow ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 4
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 4
leetufc ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Louis ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 3
Sesimbra ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Southampton Gull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 3
United62 ----------------- 5-1 ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 2
Brewers boy ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
Cruisinho ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 2
Dave ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 2
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 2
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 2
teddiebear ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 2
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 1
The deluder ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 1
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 1
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
AdrianC ----------------- ----------------- 0
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 0
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by notnow »

Nice one Louis.
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Averly 2-1 LOSS

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 14
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 13
portugull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 10
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 10
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 10
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 8
North Curry House ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 8
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 7
Cheddargull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 6
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 6
Dgulls ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 6
notnow ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 6
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 5
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 5
Hornblower ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 5
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 5
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 5
zebgull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 5
budegull1954 ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 4
Eirik ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 4
Hot Rod ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 4
leetufc ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 4
MellowYellow ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 4
Dave ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Louis ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 3
Sesimbra ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 3
Southampton Gull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 3
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 3
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- 2-4 ----------------- 2
Brewers boy ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 2
Cruisinho ----------------- ----------------- 2
happytorq ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 2
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 2
Midlandgull ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 2
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 2
teddiebear ----------------- 2-3 ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 2
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 1
The deluder ----------------- 2-3 ----------------- 1
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Willhtq ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
Brucie ----------------- 5-0 ----------------- 1
AdrianC ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 0
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 0
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
Stickingitin ----------------- 2-5 ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Farnborough 3-0 WIN

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 15
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 14
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 14
portugull ----------------- 5-3 ----------------- 11
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 11
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 10
North Curry House ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 8
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 8
Cheddargull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 7
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 7
notnow ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 7
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 6
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 6
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 6
zebgull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 6
budegull1954 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 5
Eirik ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 5
Hornblower ----------------- 0-1 ----------------- 5
Hot Rod ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 5
leetufc ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 5
MellowYellow ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 5
Dave ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Louis ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Sesimbra ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 4
Southampton Gull ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 4
Taelee73 ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 4
United62 ----------------- 7-0 ----------------- 4
Brewers boy ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Cruisinho ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 3
happytorq ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 3
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Midlandgull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 2
Brucie ----------------- 6-3 ----------------- 2
Skillsy ----------------- 5-2 ----------------- 2
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 2
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
AdrianC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 1
Brixham63 ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
culmstockgull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
Rio Doherty ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 0
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Chelmsford 2-1 WIN

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 18
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 18
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 16
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 15
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 14
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 12
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 12
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 11
zebgull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 10
Eirik ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
North Curry House ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 9
Cheddargull ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 8
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 2-2 ----------------- 8
notnow ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 8
Brewers boy ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 7
Dgulls ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 7
Midlandgull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 7
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 7
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 6
Hornblower ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
Hot Rod ----------------- 5-1 ----------------- 6
leetufc ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 6
MellowYellow ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 6
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 6
Southampton Gull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 5
United62 ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 5
Cruisinho ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 4
Dave ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 4
happytorq ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 4
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 4
Louis ----------------- ----------------- 4
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 4
Sesimbra ----------------- 0-0 ----------------- 4
ShropGull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
teddiebear ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- 0-2 ----------------- 2
Brucie ----------------- ----------------- 2
culmstockgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
Rio Doherty ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 2
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Willhtq ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 2
AdrianC ----------------- 1-1 ----------------- 1
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by happytorq »

is the cup game included in the prediction league?
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Post by Cheddargull »

Read the opening post
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Post by happytorq »

Cheddargull wrote: 12 Sep 2023, 16:13 Read the opening post

Images for Avatar Copyright Historical Football Kits and reproduced by kind permission.

Eam non defectum. Ego potest tractare quod. Est spes occidit me.
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Hemel 3-2 LOSS. To save time I have only put the prediction in that gained points this week.

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- ----------------- 18
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- ----------------- 18
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- ----------------- 16
portugull ----------------- ----------------- 15
Incredigull ----------------- ----------------- 14
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- ----------------- 12
UnitedinDevon ----------------- ----------------- 12
Chelston TUFC ----------------- ----------------- 11
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 10
Eirik ----------------- ----------------- 9
North Curry House ----------------- ----------------- 9
Cheddargull ----------------- ----------------- 8
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 8
notnow ----------------- ----------------- 8
Brewers boy ----------------- ----------------- 7
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 7
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 7
Minneapolisgull ----------------- ----------------- 7
Swindon gull ----------------- ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 6
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hornblower ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hot Rod ----------------- ----------------- 6
leetufc ----------------- ----------------- 6
MellowYellow ----------------- ----------------- 6
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- ----------------- 6
Southampton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 5
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 5
Cruisinho ----------------- ----------------- 4
Dave ----------------- ----------------- 4
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 4
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- ----------------- 4
Louis ----------------- ----------------- 4
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 4
Sesimbra ----------------- ----------------- 4
ShropGull ----------------- ----------------- 4
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
Brucie ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- ----------------- 2
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Rio Doherty ----------------- ----------------- 2
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 2
AdrianC ----------------- ----------------- 1
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
North Curry House
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Post by North Curry House »

Well done Brucie, off the mark at last.
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Maidstone 0-1 LOSS

Username ----------------- Prediction ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- ----------------- 18
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- ----------------- 18
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- ----------------- 16
portugull ----------------- ----------------- 15
Incredigull ----------------- ----------------- 14
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- ----------------- 12
UnitedinDevon ----------------- ----------------- 12
Chelston TUFC ----------------- ----------------- 11
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 10
Eirik ----------------- ----------------- 9
North Curry House ----------------- ----------------- 9
Cheddargull ----------------- ----------------- 8
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 8
notnow ----------------- ----------------- 8
Swindon gull ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 8
Brewers boy ----------------- ----------------- 7
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 7
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 7
Minneapolisgull ----------------- ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Dave_Pougher ----------------- ----------------- 6
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hornblower ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hot Rod ----------------- ----------------- 6
leetufc ----------------- ----------------- 6
MellowYellow ----------------- ----------------- 6
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- ----------------- 6
Dave ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 5
Southampton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 5
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 5
Cruisinho ----------------- ----------------- 4
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 4
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- ----------------- 4
Louis ----------------- ----------------- 4
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 4
Sesimbra ----------------- ----------------- 4
ShropGull ----------------- ----------------- 4
Brucie ----------------- ----------------- 3
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- ----------------- 2
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Nick Potkins ----------------- 1-2 ----------------- 2
Rio Doherty ----------------- ----------------- 2
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- ----------------- 2
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 2
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 2
AdrianC ----------------- ----------------- 1
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Stickingitin ----------------- 1-3 ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Welling 5-1 WIN

Username ----------------- Prediction (point scoring only) ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 19
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 19
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 17
portugull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 16
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 15
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 13
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 12
UnitedinDevon ----------------- ----------------- 12
zebgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 11
Eirik ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 10
North Curry House ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 10
Cheddargull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 9
Mr Tea808 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
notnow ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 9
Brewers boy ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 8
Dgulls ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 8
happytorq ----------------- 5-1 ----------------- 8
Midlandgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 8
Swindon gull ----------------- ----------------- 8
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 7
Hornblower ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 7
Hot Rod ----------------- 5-0 ----------------- 7
leetufc ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 7
MellowYellow ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 7
Minneapolisgull ----------------- ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Dave ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- ----------------- 6
Southampton Gull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 6
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- ----------------- 6
United62 ----------------- 7-0 ----------------- 6
Cruisinho ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Louis ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 5
Sesimbra ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 5
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 4
ShropGull ----------------- ----------------- 4
Brucie ----------------- ----------------- 3
culmstockgull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 3
Rio Doherty ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 3
Skillsy ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 3
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
torregull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 3
Admiral ----------------- ----------------- 2
AdrianC ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 2
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- ----------------- 2
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 2
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 1
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

No movement.
TorquayFans Admin
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Hampton & Richmond 3-1 LOSS

Username ----------------- Prediction (point scoring only) ----------------- Overall Points
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 20
Incredigull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 19
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- ----------------- 19
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- ----------------- 17
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 17
Cheddargull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 13
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- ----------------- 13
UnitedinDevon ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 13
Chelston TUFC ----------------- ----------------- 12
North Curry House ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 11
zebgull ----------------- ----------------- 11
Dave ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 10
Eirik ----------------- ----------------- 10
notnow ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 10
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 9
Swindon gull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
Brewers boy ----------------- ----------------- 8
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 8
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 8
happytorq ----------------- ----------------- 8
leetufc ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 8
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 8
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 8
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 7
Hornblower ----------------- ----------------- 7
Hot Rod ----------------- ----------------- 7
MellowYellow ----------------- ----------------- 7
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- 4-1 ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Cruisinho ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 6
Louis ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 6
Southampton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 6
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- ----------------- 5
Sesimbra ----------------- ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 5
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 4
ShropGull ----------------- ----------------- 4
torregull ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 4
Admiral ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 3
AdrianC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 3
Brucie ----------------- ----------------- 3
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 3
Rio Doherty ----------------- ----------------- 3
Skillsy ----------------- ----------------- 3
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
Willhtq ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 3
Brixham63 ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 2
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 2
Stickingitin ----------------- 5-1 ----------------- 2
The deluder ----------------- ----------------- 2
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
Jamestee67 ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0
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Post by Louis »

Here's the latest prediction league update… Last game vs Bath 1-0 WIN

Username ----------------- Prediction (point scoring only) ----------------- Overall Points
RodneyJacksRightFoot ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 23
Gullsandbeyond121 ----------------- ----------------- 20
Incredigull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 20
DerekDawkinsJnr ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 18
portugull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 18
zebgull ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 15
SuperNickyWroe ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 14
Cheddargull ----------------- ----------------- 13
Chelston TUFC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 13
UnitedinDevon ----------------- ----------------- 13
Eirik ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 11
North Curry House ----------------- ----------------- 11
notnow ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 11
Dave ----------------- ----------------- 10
Louis ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 10
Swindon gull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 10
Brewers boy ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 9
Dave_Pougher ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
happytorq ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 9
leetufc ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 9
Minneapolisgull ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 9
Mr Tea808 ----------------- ----------------- 9
Dgulls ----------------- ----------------- 8
Hornblower ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 8
Hot Rod ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 8
MellowYellow ----------------- 3-1 ----------------- 8
Midlandgull ----------------- ----------------- 8
gullsgullsgulls ----------------- ----------------- 7
Southampton Gull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 7
tufcyellowarmy ----------------- ----------------- 7
budegull1954 ----------------- ----------------- 6
Cruisinho ----------------- ----------------- 6
Hereford Gull66 ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 6
Sesimbra ----------------- 3-2 ----------------- 6
United62 ----------------- ----------------- 6
ShropGull ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 5
Taelee73 ----------------- ----------------- 5
AdrianC ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 4
Brucie ----------------- 3-0 ----------------- 4
Oil Beef Hooked ----------------- ----------------- 4
Skillsy ----------------- 4-0 ----------------- 4
torregull ----------------- ----------------- 4
Danglebert ----------------- 1-0 ----------------- 4
Admiral ----------------- ----------------- 3
culmstockgull ----------------- ----------------- 3
Rio Doherty ----------------- ----------------- 3
teddiebear ----------------- ----------------- 3
The deluder ----------------- 2-1 ----------------- 3
Willhtq ----------------- ----------------- 3
Brixham63 ----------------- ----------------- 2
Nick Potkins ----------------- ----------------- 2
Stickingitin ----------------- ----------------- 2
dawlishmatt ----------------- ----------------- 1
Jamestee67 ----------------- ----------------- 1
Kingsgull83 ----------------- ----------------- 1
SDYellow ----------------- ----------------- 1
Wolborough ----------------- ----------------- 1
Rivieratouch ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 1
theyellowfromexeter ----------------- 2-0 ----------------- 1
DevonBee ----------------- ----------------- 0
Forest gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Knightmaregull ----------------- ----------------- 0
markypoos77 ----------------- ----------------- 0
numpte ----------------- ----------------- 0
Paignton Gull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Saints1908 ----------------- ----------------- 0
SWgull ----------------- ----------------- 0
Wubble U ----------------- ----------------- 0