Rose - 3 Month Emergency? Loan

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Rose - 3 Month Emergency? Loan

Post by Richinns »

Confirmed, ... 39,00.html

I must admit this emergency loan system is baffling!!!

We have 1 emergency loan in midfield already and even though our squad is not the biggest we do not have an injury or and suspension crisis at the moment. I wonder what constitutes the use of an emergency loan these days???

Still, lets welcome him and not prejudge before seeing him in action.


Confirmed on Official site now ... 33,00.html

Story states he is likely to debut Saturday - Buckle obviously likes him and must know a lot more than his track record shows. As said above, lets trust in Buckle and not prejudge him.
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Post by Jeff »

I think emergency loan is just the name its given. They are called something like "long term" loans if you get them in the summer (like we've done with Gritts) and can be anything up to a year (although I stand corrected). An emergency loan can be at any period in the season (apart from after March transfer deadline I think) and can be up to 90 days.

Probably not cleared that up, have I?!

Looking forward to hopefully seeing Rose play tomorrow. I'm guessing he has talent as he's had plenty of contracts at QPR. Seems like he may have an attitude as he's not lasted long on loan anywhere. However I understand he is on the transfer list and Neil Warnock doesn't suffer fools gladly - if he's pretty much been told this is his last chance then maybe the application will be there and he could be a good signing.

Would this suggest that Rose will play wide and Zebs pushed up top???? or the other way around?
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Post by Richinns »

I reckon he will play off the front man like he did in the reserve game. On form that has to be Benyon. guess he and Zebs could rotate in that roll, giving the opposing defence problems with their movement.
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Post by Yellow4life »

Wiki states he's a midfielder?

Anyway... I was hoping to see him on tuesday but couldn't make it. Look forward to it next weekend!
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Post by crazyfool »

Be interesting to see how we line up tomorrow. Everywhere I've looked it lists Rose as either a Midfielder or Winger.

Kinda wish I was going tomorrow even more than ever now.
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Post by torq2u »

Rambling Rose . . . .

he's been out on short loans so far, hasn't he? so maybe a 3-month spell could give him a chance to feel settled. don't know about an "attitude" - he won't last long here if he causes problems
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Post by RussianGull »

As long as his attitude is better than that Barnes bloke from last year, this should give us a bit more depth in the run up to christmas
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Post by Plymouth Gull »

That Barnes bloke...

who is now a starter in the team topping League 1..

footballs a funny old game, eh!?
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Post by paybill »

I think emergency loan is approve fast but it's interest rate should high and you should compare emergency loan rate with other loans and think about repay the loan with comfortable terms.
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Post by Modgull »

This lad looks the business - very, very quick and good ball control. Great goal today.

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Post by YellowMurphy »

Seems to have more about him that Hemmings and Macklin, skill and the ability to look up to match the pace. Looks like one we should try and get for the season.
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