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Plymouth Gull


Post by Plymouth Gull »

IF we can't get him back then I just want to say thanks, and good luck! Won't be forgotten for your goal today, I'm sure. (Only the second time we've ever done the double over the Greens!).

Hopefully Di Canio will let you return, either on loan or permanently!
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Post by taunton_gull »

My Dad ran into him at Cullompton services on the way back and thanked him for his efforts. Bodin said he wasn't sure Di Canio would allow him back and he's not looking forward to going back and warming the bench. He's loved his time with us and really wants to stay on. Knowing Di Canio isn't the most rational of characters it wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't let him play for us again after the Boxing Day defeat. I believe I heard Bodin's scored 5 for us, I can understand why Swindon would want to take another look at him but given they've just added Paul Benson to their numerous attacking options I can't help but think Billy's development would continue at a faster rate with us.

Whatever the outcome I have really enjoyed watching him and there's no doubt he has a big future in the game - thanks Billy! You'll be missed!
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Was this his last game then before returning to Swindon?
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by taunton_gull »

Yes it is - Ling said after the game there has been no word from Swindon although ourselves & Billy himself wants to stay. If he doesn't Ling said someone else will come in.
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Post by AustrianAndyGull »

Cheers taunton gull. I hope he stays but i trust Martin to have a plan B if he doesn't. I'd like another attacker / attacking midfielder brought in too if poss. I am well pleased with our defence and midfield generally. We are short on quality up top though.
Strangely enough it was Pope Gregory the 9th inviting me for drinks aboard his steam yacht, the saucy sue currently wintering in montego bay with the England cricket team and the Balanese Goddess of plenty.
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Post by stevegull »

Not sure where I heard it, but i think i heard a quote from somewhere that said Di Canio wanted a look at him over January before deciding what to do with him.
Maybe one day, Carayol will find London...
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Post by bobby93 »

He (Ling) was on Radio Devon after the game singing his (Bodin's) praises, but I believe he used the phrase "if not him, then someone else", so it sounds like he has fingers in pies again, which is good.

On Bodin, I'd have him back in a heartbeat and he suits our formation down to the ground. It suits him too. My worry is that, as above really, Di Canio will get the hump after we beat them on Boxing Day, and favour keeping him there as a squad player purely just because he can. Who knows, maybe he isn't like that at all, it's just the impression he gives off.
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Post by tufc si »

Well hopefully he gets his chance for swindon in jan and plays cack!! Cue mr dicanio ringing ling to see if he wants bodin back on the next bus down the m4 to the coast!!
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Post by chippygull »

Indeed.. looked what happened to Benners...
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Post by HRG »

Just more of what you lot have already been saying really." onclick=";return false;
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Post by Sexy_Gulls »

he fits in well, the manager rates him, he loves it down here, not going to get in the Swindon team and is 19 and needs to play regularly.
Di Canio would be a heartless b*stard not too let him come cos we beat them. I imagine Bodin senior would get a bit annoyed at this as well.
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Post by Colorado Gull »

I do hope we get to keep Bodin whether it's an extended loan or whether we can sign him permanently. But I fear that Di Canio, the crazy Italian that he is, won't let Bodin return because of one reason or another even though he's not a part of his plans! Billy has been a great player for us, scoring 5 goals on the wing is a great achievement and that's why Ling wants him to stay.

I hope we see him in a Torquay shirt again, but if we do not, Thank You Bodin for everything and good luck in your future wherever it may be!
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Post by brucie »

Bodin just is not get into Swindons team - it just isn't going to happen. Wouldn't be suprised if he was back here in a couple of weeks.
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Post by Nick Potkins »

Jake Robinson is not happy at Northampton and will move in January. Keen on a return to Torquay, but also keen to follow Buckle. However, the Buckle option may be out of the window soon.
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Post by brucie »

We do not what Robinson - he is crap,
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