Kernowgull wrote:Plymgull, dont suppose you are driving from Plymouth to Rovers game? Im going down for the weekend but my old man cant go, so trying to work out how to get from Saltash to Torquay!
No mate, don't have a car and sadly like most games this season won't be attending.
I think i will have to get my man of the match in early just in case. you never Know.
For being the star and the one and only
For being here. there and everywhere
For being the fans favourite. Especialy you Know who!
For being the best thing Since sliced bread
For scoring a goal. I didn't say when though did I
There. I have saved Bodin fan the trouble now.!
Come on you yellloooowwwsss onward and upward. Hoping for a win today and a barnstorming performance. Get our goals early so they are shell shocked and then press in the advantage.
I Think there could be close to 400 there today. I wish I was one of them. and the weather is brilliant. well it is here anyway.
Today is a a good day to live. A good day to Get a win and a good day to save our season.
well even though My post didn't go on when I wrote it cos somehwere posted first and held mine up. I got it on here evenatually. Not to worried that we didn't take the 400 I hoped for but we got the early goal. Now we need the second one to put it to bed within 10 mins of the restart. Come ooonnnnnnnnn Yooooooo yellllloooooowwwwwssssss